If you have a kid, then you are probably aware of their behaviors when it is time to sleep. They are usually hyperactive and even when it is past bedtime they do not want to go to sleep. Kids are stubborn and we all know this fact. This is also the reason why it is really hard to put them to sleep when they absolutely do not want to. Many parents use stuffed toys or bedtime stories to conquer this stubborn territory. However, this parent in the video below just came up with a perfect solution.
This parent has hired a German Shepherd as a bedtime nanny and he is quite perfect at his job. Baron, this dog in the following video is gentle when it comes to children. His favorite buddy is his little human Alexander. Baron, not just put Alexander to sleep but before doing so, he says prayers with him, listens to the bedtime story, tucks him on the bed and even turns off the light when Alexander is sleepy.
All of the sudden, the chaotic bed time became very adorable. Watch this video below and don’t forget to share your thoughts about it in the comments!
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