Mom Caught Her Cat Doing THIS To Dad When She Was Away… I Can’t Help My Smile!

Cats are fluffy bunch. Even though they probably like to stay on their own sometimes, they mostly want to nap and smitten you with snuggles. If you are a cat owner then you would definitely know what I am talking about. But if you do not have a cat, then watch this video below and you will know the fact!

This video below features a lovely cat who just loves cuddling in with dad. As soon as he sees dad, he invites him for a cute cuddle and falls asleep in an instance. Mom couldn’t help but capture this in her camera and share it with the world. At a point, this cat breaks off the sleepy spell, but in vain. He instantly falls asleep on dad’s arms again.

Isn’t that adorable? Watch this video below and do let us know your thoughts about it through your comments!

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