We all love and praise the beautiful Christian hymn “Amazing Grace” which was originally written by John Newton, an English poet and clergyman, in 1779. Throughout the years, many artists have tried their hands on covering this song and Celtic Woman, who are featured in the video below are one of them. You’ll be completely spellbound to watch their incredible rendition!
Celtic Woman is an all-female Irish musical group which was created by Sharon Browne and David Downes in 2004. Even though the initial members of this group has changed since, the new members have taken their positions and haven’t failed to enthrall everyone in their stead. This group has presented the world with many covers and renditions of enchanting gospel songs, and in this video below we see them covering this amazing Christian hymn in a live performance.
Aren’t they just amazing? Watch this video below and do let us know what you think about them in the comments!
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