My heart breaks whenever I see the news of abused and neglected animals. They have done nothing wrong, yet they are the victims of abuse because of some cruel people who only want to gain from them. These poor creatures are captured, sold and even killed for the benefits of men.
This video below also features a dreadful story of a bear named Fifi who was brought at a Pennsylvania roadside zoo nearly 30 years ago. She was just a cub back then and for 10 whole years she had to do circus tricks that she didn’t like. For rest of the 20 years, she was enclosed in the rusty cage – until the rescue team came for her. When PETA and The Wild Animal Sanctuary rescued her in July 2015, she was all skin and bones. She was taken to their Colorado facility and there her real life began.
Wait till you see her transformation. Did this melt your heart? Let us know via comments!
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