Adorable Pups Are Going To The Beach. What They Do Next? That Is So Heart Warming!

Beaches are fun place to be. Be it with families, friends or just alone time with the waves of the water. However, as it turns out, humans are not the only ones who love it. Apparently, dogs are as great fans of beaches as humans are. Take this video below for example! You’ll be shocked to see how this bunch of dogs and even a cat play around in a beach.

All of these dogs in the video below have recently graduated from “off leash training” and as a reward they are being taken to a beach. They are joined in by Didga a.k.a. “World’s Best Skateboarding Cat”. You might know Didga from other videos of her performing tricks which went viral all over the internet. The video below is timed up to William Pharrell’s greatest hit “Happy”.

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