Cute dog loves doing all the chores in the house, and you have to see it

Dogs are really amazing creatures. They are intelligent, friendly and really obedient. Many dog owners try to train their dogs to do various kinds of tricks. Everyone knows that positive reinforcements and providing a lot treats are the best method to train the dogs. If right techniques are used, dogs can be trained to actually help out humans with household chores as well. Take this little pup for example! Jesse the Jack Russell Terrier is very intelligent and he will show you some of the useful tricks you can teach your dogs!

Jesse can help out his owner in various kinds of household things. He helps his owner to wash dishes in dishwasher, do laundry, close or open doors and drawers, and even take off jumpers and jackets. Isn’t that amazing?

Have you ever seen a dog as smart as Jesse? Let us know your thoughts about this video through your comments below!

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