Cockatoo Is Told To Go Inside The Cage. But What She Does Instead? I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Cockatoos can sometimes get unbelievably hilarious. This video features a super funny cockatoo named Pebble. When Pebble was asked to get inside the cage by her owner, she came up with the most hysterical reaction. Well she surely didn’t like the idea of getting caged!

Pebble’s response is surely gonna shock you. But she hasn’t learnt this language in the establishment. She has lived in around 10 homes for the period of 20 years before she found sanctuary in Canada’s Saskatoon Parrot Rescue. She didn’t get proper care in her previous homes and most probably learnt this language there.

Whenever she doesn’t like something she reacts like this. I guess it’s her way of expressing dislikeness. Watch this video and tell us what you think about this video through your comments. We would love to have your views!

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