A Woman Is Screaming For Help. But Watch Who Comes For Her Rescue. I’m In Shock!

The videos on the internet have time and again, revealed how great dogs are. There are many dogs that have saved countless lives; be it of a human or an animal. The video below shows one of such heroic dogs. Blitz, a pit bull heard a woman screaming out for help from across the street. What he did next is something the woman will never forget in her life!

Most people consider pit bulls to be “dangerous.” And this is true. But if properly trained, pit bulls are incredible creatures! Take a look at Blitz for instance. A woman is shouting for help when her ex-husband breaks into her room and starts abusing her physically. Blitz immediately rushes to her rescue when he hears her. He goes for the attacker, giving her ample time to escape. The attacker is now facing charges for his actions.

Watch this video below! What did you think of Blitz? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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