Dad Showed Pit Bull A Newborn Kitten. What The Dog Did Next? I Can’t Stop My SMILE!

Cats and dogs are said to be the biggest of enemies. They have completely different behavior, so it is natural to assume that they might not mix so well. But cats and dogs have been proving time and again that they can get along splendidly. Just look at the pit bull in the following video. When he was introduced to a kitten for the first time, his reaction was totally priceless!

The pit bull was very interested in the tiny thing dad has brought up to him. He looked really surprised when it began to meow! He seemed a little wary at first, but then he fell in love with the tiny cat! They took no time at all to snuggle with each other! Pit bulls have been labeled as aggressive animals, but after watching this video, who would think it’s aggressive at all?

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