Herding may come naturally for dogs, but it is not necessary for a pup to get it right the first time. We all have that time when we absolutely don’t know what to do, yet we don’t want to give up trying. This pup in the video below faces the same dilemma when he stumbles upon a flock of ducklings for the first time. He wants them to keep moving, but just don’t know how to do so. Until, someone comes to save the day!
This video features a group of pups and a group of ducklings meeting for the first time in life. Today is the day when they learn something new; these pups will be learning how to herd while these ducklings will be learning how to be herded. At first, all of these pups try their best to herd these ducklings but they have absolutely no idea what to do next. But then, mom comes to the rescue and everything seems to fall in the right place.
Wasn’t that adorable? Watch this video below and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us via comments!
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