This video below features a dramatic rescue of a dog named Boo who was stuck in an ice coated pond in Greenville near Carriage road. Boo is a 13 year old dog who was considered everybody’s best friend in his area. He is quite famous and never failed to say ‘hello’ to his friends in his neighborhood. But then one day, Boo found himself stuck in the desperate situation and called for help.
The firemen from Elsmere and Cranston Heights fire departments dispatched the team to rescue poor Boo. Boo was clinging onto his dear life at the edge of the ice and the firemen needed to do something as soon as possible. Despite all the odds. The firemen instantly jumped unto a small boat and started going at the ice.
Will they be able to get Boo out of the ice water in time? Watch this video below and don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
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